Wednesday 2 December 2009

Story:bored plan of are 2 minute film and Animation

We have chosen to do a teen thriller for our 2 minute film. Me and my group all put ideas together and have chosen the locations and costumes.

We start off externally in the middle of an empty playground with a high angle long shot. The camera then tracks towards the girl still at a high angle, and you start to see that she has blood over her face. It continues to track at a high angle towards the girl, and you can see that she is crying. Were going to use steady-cam to track around the girl. Titles on a black-screen reveal '1 month earlier' . the next shot shows Scarlet in a classroom. A mid close up shot of a teacher teaching his class, up on the board is a mind map with drugs in the middle. The teacher then hears a student whispering, and then calls her name. You then see a shot reverse shot between the teacher and the student.

Hear is an Amimatic of are Storybored, I use photobucket to make it:

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