Monday 14 December 2009

Classroom Scene

Today at lunch we filmed our classroom scene. It was really fun because we had cast some of our friends to play as extras. The actor who was playing Mr Philips (Mike Burles) was very good. We did all the camera shots that were needed. Now I am really looking forward to editing.

I think our group (Bianca Goldman, Elysia Pollin and Catrin George-Carey) has done a really good job planning and organising the locations, the cast etc.

Overall I have enjoyed the whole experience of filming and acting in 'Playground'. I hope that 'Playground' turns out the way we want it too.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Playground Scene

Today we filmed scene 1 for 'Playground', it was the playground scene. I had to wear all black and have my make up done. It was so cold that I kept my coat on until we were filming because I was wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt.

Hear is an image we took of my make-up before the black eye:
Bianca and Elysia did my make-up as I was playing Scarlet. Hear is what I looked like. We forgot to add in the black eye, but just before we filmed we added it in until last minute.

These next images are of the playground.

I sat in the middle (where the circle is). There was this sun set in the background that looks so beautiful in the film and provides a nice contrast to the disturbing images of the beaten up girl. We had to finish at three o'clock because the children's parents were coming to collect them and they would be running across the playground interrupting filming. Overall the day was very satisfying.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Learning how to do bruises and blood for film

This 4 minute video is to show us how to make a 'black eye', because we are using a black eye in our first scene of our film 'Playground'.

Monday 7 December 2009

Scriped for Playground

Above is our Scriped. I used Celtx, becuase it has a proper scripeted format. It's a little wonky because I scaned it in.

Shot List for Playground

Shot List
View more presentations from Catringc.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

PowerPoint on Roles, Props...ect

View more presentations from Catringc.

Attracting Audicen
I have made a questioner to found out what the public think of 'Playground'. I'd used word process to creat it. I that the questions i ask are sutibule.

Story:bored plan of are 2 minute film and Animation

We have chosen to do a teen thriller for our 2 minute film. Me and my group all put ideas together and have chosen the locations and costumes.

We start off externally in the middle of an empty playground with a high angle long shot. The camera then tracks towards the girl still at a high angle, and you start to see that she has blood over her face. It continues to track at a high angle towards the girl, and you can see that she is crying. Were going to use steady-cam to track around the girl. Titles on a black-screen reveal '1 month earlier' . the next shot shows Scarlet in a classroom. A mid close up shot of a teacher teaching his class, up on the board is a mind map with drugs in the middle. The teacher then hears a student whispering, and then calls her name. You then see a shot reverse shot between the teacher and the student.

Hear is an Amimatic of are Storybored, I use photobucket to make it: