Tuesday 20 October 2009

Camera Shots, Movement and Angles

The Camrea Work:
Wide Shot
Long Shot
Mid Shot
Medium Close Up
Close Up
Extreme Close Up
High Angle Shot
Low Angle Shot
Aerial Shot
And Two Shot that isn't on the image, Two shot is when you have two people in the shot of the camera.

This is an image of camera shots, movements and angles. I found this very helpful when we were learning about camera movements, shots and angles. I also will find it very helpful when we film our 2 minute film.

Monday 19 October 2009

My titles

This is one of are homework pieces, that we had to do. It is about creating titles. I made my in imovie. Using there imovie sound effects. I really enjoy the experience.

Saturday 17 October 2009

My first short film

This is my first short film that me and my team mates did. I really enjoyed the whole experience of the filming, using a film camera, editing and uploading. I was really surprised how long it took to film 2 minutes of a short film. Learning how to use a film camera was really fun, because it means I will be able to use a film camera all by myself. Editing the film was also really fun to work because now I know how long it takes for directors to edit their films (such as harry potter). The whole experience was worth it.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Breaking of the 180 and 30 degree rules

This is the first short film I have ever made, so of course there will be mistakes made. My group broke the 180 degree rule and the 30 degree rule. Next time I make a film I will make shore I do not break the 180 and 30 degree rule. I have enjoyed every minute of this experiance.

Breaking of the 180 degree rule and 30 degree rule

Tuesday 13 October 2009

My Sister's Keeper

My Sister's Keeper is one of the most up lifting films ever. It's a true story. The genre is: Drama. Go to imdb to find out more.


Titanic is on of those must see films. It's something that did happen in 1912. The genre is: Drama and Romance. Go to imdb to find out more.

Monday 12 October 2009

Love Actually

Love actually is such a good film. There laughter and love. Everyone I know loves this film. Genre is: Comady, Drama and Romance. If you go to imdb you will be able to find out more.

101 Dalmatiners

101 Dalmatians is by far one of my favourite films. Just imagine how long it took for them to get all of thoughts dalmatians puppies under conrtrol. The genre is: Family, Comedy and Adventure. To find out more go to imbd.

Notting Hill

Notting Hill, is a complete classic. It is one of my favorite films. Genre is: Comady, Romance. imdb has more information.

Shot Reverse Shot

This is an example of a 'Shot Reverse Shot' it means that some shots are edited together that to make them look as if they where filmed at the same time. Also shot reverse shot is used in conversations, looking from one person to another.

Match On Action

Match on action is the cut between two shots that show that no time has passed between

the two shots. It's when you cut the filming during the action and move it to another camera at a different angle, but your still showing the action just at a different angle.

I have put two similar pictures, just to give an idea.

180 degree rule

I found this digram explaining the 180 degree rule. I feel it makes it clear and easy to understand.

This is a diagram of the 180 degree rule. The green oval shows where the camera can go. The line in the middle shows that the camera can not go over the line. If the camera doee go over the middle line in to the red zone, this will mean that you are breaking the 180 degree rule. So always make sure that you are in the green zone.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Preliminary Task Film Plan 1 (Goodbye my friend) and Animatic

This is my frist animatic which is the storyboard i created for my preliminary task. I used adobe imageready to create the animation. this allows me to see whether or not my piece would cut well together

Here is my aerial plan of how i will shoot my preliminary task. It means i can decide on where the camera is going to be placed as well as know whether or not i am going to be breaking the 180 degree rule.

The brief for the short film that was part of the preliminary exercise involved having a character open a door, walk across a room, sit down in a chair opposite another character and exchange two lines of dialogue. I enjoyed this exercise because now that i know the rules for creating a film text I can begin to produce my own films that will be coherent.

Monday 5 October 2009

Horror Flim

You can tell that this film is a horror film because:

The razor blade, the red velvet chair/old fashioned
Dark clothing giving a sinister feel. The female character reveals red signalling danger.
the lighting is dark with the actors faces appearing drained of colour. red is a predominant theme

The title of the film has a red lash across it indicating the use of a razor to cut it.