Thursday 6 May 2010

PowerPoint Evaluation

'Playground' Evaluation
View more presentations from Catringc.
Below is the clips for the Evaluation that can't be played on the PowerPoint due to the formatting. The Music unforchantly can not be play because of the formatting.

Playground and Tormented Continuity Editing:

Playground and Tormented Jump Cuts:

Tuesday 4 May 2010

'Playground' Finished Opening Sequence

Hear is our finished 2 miunte opening squences 'Playground'. We forgot to add one of are Extras to our titles, the girl wereing the black jumper is: Khushboo Wadhwani.

Getting Audience feedback:

When I should the film to my family they found it really powerful, but couldn't figer out what was going on between the Teacher and Student.

I have left a comment undernithe our are film on YouTube, so that we can get feedback from the public who watch it:

Also I have put the YouTube web address on my facebook, and have ask my friends to give my feed back.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Final Scriped of Playground

Because we had to re-due the sceen, we also had to re-due the scriped for the class room sceen. Also the one for Playground sceen is in there. Playground final script
View more documents from biancagoldman93.

Tuesday 9 February 2010


Yesterday (Monday 8th February) We had to re-shoot our classroom scene from 'Playground' because there wasn't enough camera shots. We got the same teacher who we had last time, and one of the extras came along.

The camera shots that we used in this scene are:

Over the Shoulder
Long Shot
Two Shoot
Master Shoot
Low Angle Shot
Point of View Shot

I for got to bring my Camera, so unfrochancly there are no images of the class room.

Tuesday 26 January 2010


I am using 'Livetype' for making the titles for 'Playground'

Hear are some of the titles I have started to make:

My group and I sat down to discuss what format and size and colour the titles should be. There are still some titles that i must add. But this is just a draft.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Learning How To Uses Final Cut Pro

In order to upload our footage we needed to convert the movie file into one that the mac computer would recognise. so we downloaded a free converter (mpeg streamclip) and created a .mov file from a .mod file

Monday 14 December 2009

Classroom Scene

Today at lunch we filmed our classroom scene. It was really fun because we had cast some of our friends to play as extras. The actor who was playing Mr Philips (Mike Burles) was very good. We did all the camera shots that were needed. Now I am really looking forward to editing.

I think our group (Bianca Goldman, Elysia Pollin and Catrin George-Carey) has done a really good job planning and organising the locations, the cast etc.

Overall I have enjoyed the whole experience of filming and acting in 'Playground'. I hope that 'Playground' turns out the way we want it too.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Playground Scene

Today we filmed scene 1 for 'Playground', it was the playground scene. I had to wear all black and have my make up done. It was so cold that I kept my coat on until we were filming because I was wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt.

Hear is an image we took of my make-up before the black eye:
Bianca and Elysia did my make-up as I was playing Scarlet. Hear is what I looked like. We forgot to add in the black eye, but just before we filmed we added it in until last minute.

These next images are of the playground.

I sat in the middle (where the circle is). There was this sun set in the background that looks so beautiful in the film and provides a nice contrast to the disturbing images of the beaten up girl. We had to finish at three o'clock because the children's parents were coming to collect them and they would be running across the playground interrupting filming. Overall the day was very satisfying.